Peace of Mind Country House

growing wellness through practice & community


a space for RETREAT, regeneration and renewal

The crackling of a campfire, the ring of a singing bowl, the crunch of twigs underneath gentle steps, the hum of new connections… far from the city, the Peace of Mind Country House provides something increasingly rare in everyday urban life: space. Here, there is space to decompress, to listen, to process, to connect. There is space to build and share those skills and community that support sustained health. At the Country House, we embrace the idea that wellness and illness occur in individuals as in systems, and seek to foster multi-dimensional healing through our programming and initiatives.


building a deeply supportive present & future

We envision a future of abundant and accessible resources embedded in a strong network. The Country House is intended as a community space for collaboration and exchange between individuals, practitioners, and groups pursuing holistic health and healing in society. It is home to meditators, acupuncturists, artists, musicians, therapists, educators, gardeners, and activists…to people who are all of these things and none of these things. We are committed to fostering the connections between people to these valuable tools and to one another.